Advanced Air Mobility
Multi Agent Path Planning, MPC, Deep RL, MuZero, Pseudospectral Methods
AAM/UAM air traffic management problems were formulated and solved via various optimization approaches.
Model Predictive Control Approach
We solved high-capacity urban air traffic optimization problems using model predictive control with constraint aggregation techniques. In a multi-agent environment, agent trajectories were optimized based on origin-destination pairs for the following optimization paradigms:
- Centralized optimization at each time step
- Sequential optimization at each time step
- Sequential optimization for the entire flight trajectory
Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
Inspired by the success of DeepMind’s deep reinforcement learning algorithm, MuZero, in mastering games without any knowledge about the rules and the environment, we investigated the feasibility of using MuZero for AAM research by casting the dynamic obstacle avoidance problem as a game.
- Published a conference paper: AIAA AVIATION’21
Mixed Integer Linear Programming
In this project led by Kotwicz Herniczek, corridor design problems were formulated as minimum cost multi-commodity flow problems. The goal is to generate a corridor network that is globally optimum in terms of trip length, airspace complexity, and corridor network size using linear programming (LP) and mixed integer linear programming (MILP).
- Co-authored a conference paper: [AIAA’21b]
- Co-authored a journal paper: [AIAA JAT]
Pseudospectral Methods
Pseudospectral methods were explored to achieve minimum time multi agent paths using using OpenMDAO, Dymos, and SNOPT.
Contributed to Extensible Trajectory Optimization Library (ETOL) for Dymos integration